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Solar Installation Training & Accreditation

The Solar Sector is Booming. Municipalities are shutting down non accredited installers providing sub-par installation services. Because of this, trained, accredited Installers are growing at an enormous pace!

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Solar Industry and how to become and Accredited Solar Installer.

Don't have time to read? You can also watch the video below:

Residential Solar Boom brings Profits and Stricter Regulations.

The residential solar installation boom that is currently underway has made the solar industry extremely profitable. The solar sector is getting more regulated every day as unaccredited solar providers attempt to profit from its expansion. This offers an opportunity for solar providers to carry out quality, accredited installations and distinguish themselves from competitors.

In addition, most Municipalities, Insurance companies and Banks also require Solar installers to be Accredited. Being an Accredited installer, will not only allow you to confidently provide quality solar installation services to your clients, but it will, as a result increase your chances of profitability as well as set you apart from the unaccredited installers who needless to say, are doing more damage than good.

Recently we’ve assisted Johan van der Spuy and Ben Joubert , experienced electricians in South Africa, to launch a brand new business in solar installations from scratch.

Within 1 month of partnering with our Solar Experts, Johan and Ben started their Solar Company and were able to get 5 solar installation jobs as well as establish a full-time business within the first month. Their Company generated over R1 million in sales after their first 30 days of starting up and they’re on their way to double that after 3 months in business.

Johan and Ben: Owners of Successful Solar Company

solar team

The need for residential solar installation services should continue to rise for many years to come because this solar movement has just begun. With only one installation team, several local small solar installation businesses are already operating at a profit of R200k+ per month and are struggling to keep up with demand.

Before we get into how the Solar Accreditation course works please make sure you understand the requirements to join this course.

To Join this course you must have:

  • Electrical Experience of at least 3 years
  • Access to a COC Electrician to sign-off your jobs


After finishing the Solar Accreditation Course, you will have a thorough understanding of how solar energy works, understand the project planning necessary to install a complete solar system, understand the actual installation process and have a plan on how to build a successful solar business. Once you have understood these concepts, you will be able to complete your Accreditation Test at AREP.

This training is unique in that it takes you through the VISUAL installation steps of a solar system as if you were there. It will also set the framework for you to better comprehend the theory side of solar by giving you a highly practical understanding of how solar installations work.

We’ll highlight some fundamental theoretical concepts that you must comprehend in order to become accredited and begin your first solar installation. The average time required to complete the training videos and course materials is 5 hours. You will then be ready to take your solar accreditation exam. This is Step number 1 to becoming a solar agent, the rest will be explained in more depth after you get your accreditation.

solar information

The Solar Accreditation Course - R9900 (R 14900)

Company Partners has partnered with Experts to bring you the Solar Accreditation Course where you will have a Full overview of the solar installation process as well as the paperwork and training required to get accredited. With the team of solar experts providing you with support you should be equipped to start your very first solar installation and start a successful business as a solar installation company in South Africa.

After that, you may need assistance with in person training and service equipment. For that we have a membership package which we will discuss in more depth later on.

Book your spot now. Spaces are Limited!

Included in this Solar Accreditation Course

  1. A visual and practical training of how a solar installation works. Areas covered: 
    • How PV Technology works
    • How batteries, inverters and panels work 
    • Types of Solar Systems
    • Installation Planning and System Design
    • Site Visit Procedures 
    • Inverter Board Building
    • Inverter and Battery Setup
    • Panel Setup
    • System Tests and Commencement 
    • SSEG Registration Process
    • Solar Business Development
    • Stock Sourcing Options
  2. The solar accreditation paperwork from AREP

Limited Availability:

We only have 10 spots per week available to enroll serious technical Entrepreneurs that want to get accredited and start their own Solar Business.

Requirements to apply:

  • Electrical Experience of at least 3 years
  • Access to a COC Electrician to sign-off your solar installation jobs


The numbers and projection in this article are conservative in the current solar market in South Africa (as recorded January 2023). It may change quickly in a positive and negative direction – as the solar supply and demand is swiftly changing.

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